日期:2014-03-27 10:35  点击:508
 Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures 
(Adopted by the Second Session of the Fifth National People's Congress on July 
1, 1979, first amended according to the Resolution on Revising the Law of the 
People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures adopted by the 
Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress on April 4, 1990 and 
amended for the second time according to the Resolution on Revising the Law 
of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures adopted by 
the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress on March 15, 2001) 
Article 1 With a view to expanding international economic cooperation and 
technical exchange, the People's Republic of China permits foreign companies, 
enterprises, other economic organizations or individuals (hereinafter referred to 
as ``foreign partner in a joint ventures'') to join with Chinese companies, 
enterprises or other economic organizations (hereafter referred to as ``Chinese 
partner in a joint ventures'') to establish joint ventures in the People's Republic 
of China in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and 
subject to approval by the Chinese government. 
Article 2 The Chinese government protects, in accordance with the law, the 
investment of foreign partner in a joint ventures, the profits due them and their 
other lawful rights and interests in a joint venture, pursuant to the agreement, 
contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese government. All 
the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the stipulations of the laws and 
legal regulations of the People's Republic of China. The state shall not 
nationalize or take over joint ventures; under special circumstances and 
according to the needs of social public interests, the state may requisite joint 
ventures according to legal procedures with due compensation. 
Article 3 The joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association 
signed by the parties to the venture should be submitted to the competent 
foreign economic and trade department of the state (hereafter referred to as 
the ``examining and approving organ'') for examination and approval; and the 
examining and approving organ shall, within three months, decide whether to 
approve or disapprove them. After approval, the joint venture should register 
with the competent administration department for industry and commerce, 
obtain a license to do business and start operation. 
Article 4 A joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company. The 
proportion of the investment contributed by the foreign joint venture(s) should 
generally not be less than 25 percent of the registered capital of a joint 
The parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion 
to their respective contribution to the registered capital. No assignment of the 
registered capital of a joint venture participant shall be made without the 
consent of the other parties to the venture. 
Article 5 Each party to a joint venture may make its investment in cash, in kind 
or in industrial property rights, etc. The technology and the equipment that 
serve as the investment of the foreign partner in a joint venture must be 
advanced technology and equipment that actually suit our country's needs. If 
the foreign partner in a joint venture causes losses by deception through the 
intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall pay 
compensation for these losses. 
The investment of a Chinese partner in a joint venture may include the right to 
the use of a site provided for the joint venture during the period of its operation. 
If the right to the use of the site does not constitute a part of a Chinese partner's 
investment, the joint venture shall pay the Chinese government a fee for its use. 
The various investments referred to above shall be specified in the joint venture 
contract and articles of association, and the value of each (excluding that of the 
site) shall be jointly assessed by the parties to the venture. 
Article 6 A joint venture shall have a board of directors, which shall have its size 
and composition stipulated in the contract and the articles of association after 
consultation between the parties to the venture, and the directors shall be 
appointed and replaced by the parties to the venture. The chairman and vice-
chairmen of the board shall be decided by the parties to the venture through 
consultation or elected by the directors of the board. The office of chairman of 
the board shall be assumed by one side of the venture, and that of the vice-
chairman, by the other party. The board of directors shall decide major 
problems of the joint venture in accordance with the principle of equality and 
mutual benefit. 
The board of directors is empowered, pursuant to the provisions of the articles 
of association of the joint venture, to discuss and decide all major problems of 
the joint venture: expansion programs, proposals for production and operating 
activities, the budget for revenues and expenditures, distribution of profits, plans 
concerning manpower and pay scales, the termination of business and the 
appointment or employment of the president, the vice-president(s), the chief 
engineer, the treasurer and the auditors, as well as their powers and periods of 
employment, etc. The offices of president and vice-president(s) (or factory 
manager and deputy manager(s)) shall be assumed by the respective parties to 
the venture. Matters such as the employment, dismissal, payment, welfare, 
labor protection and labor insurance of the staff and workers of joint ventures 
shall be provided for in contracts reached in accordance with the law. 
Article 7 Staff and workers of joint ventures shall establish their trade unio 
organizations, conduct trade unio activities and safeguard their lawful rights 
and interests according to the law. Joint ventures shall provide necessary 
conditions for the activities of the trade unios within the enterprises. 
Article 8 After payment, pursuant to the provisions of the tax laws of the 
People's Republic of China, of the joint venture income tax on the gross profit 
earned by the joint venture and after deduction from the gross profit of a 
reserve fund, a bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers, and a venture 
expansion fund, as provided in the articles of association of the joint venture, the 
net profit should be distributed to the parties to the joint venture in proportion to 
their respective contributions to the registered capital. 
A joint venture may enjoy preferential treatment of tax reduction or exemption 
in accordance with state tax laws and administrative regulations. A foreign 
partner in a joint venture that reinvests in China its share of the net profit may 
apply for refund of a part of the income taxes already paid. 
Article 9 A joint venture shall open a foreign exchange account with a bank 
approved by the state foreign exchange administration or other financial organs 
for handling foreign exchange businesses, with its business license. The 
pertinent foreign exchange transactions of a joint venture shall be conducted in 
accordance with the regulations on foreign exchange control of the People's 
Republic of China. In its operating activities a joint venture may directly raise 
funds from foreign banks. 
The various kinds of insurance coverage of a joint venture shall be furnished by 
insurance companies within Chinese territory. 
Article 10 In its purchase of required raw and processed materials, fuels, etc. 
within the approved business scope, a joint venture may make the purchases 
from Chinese market or the international market according to the principle of 
being fair and rational. 
A joint venture is encouraged to market its products outside China. Export 
products may be distributed to foreign markets through the joint venture 
directly or through associated agencies, and they may also be distributed 
through China's foreign trade agencies. Products of the joint venture may also 
be distributed in the Chinese market. 
Whenever necessary, a joint venture may establish branches outside China. 
Article 11 The net profit that the foreign side in a joint venture receives after 
fulfilling its obligations under the laws and various agreements and contracts, 
the funds it receives at the time of the joint venture's scheduled expiration or 
early termination, and any other funds, may be remitted abroad in accordance 
with the foreign exchange regulations and in the currency specified in the joint 
venture contract. 
The foreign side in a joint venture shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of 
China the foreign exchange that it is entitled to remit abroad. 
Article 12 The wages, salaries and other legitimate income earned by the 
foreign staff and workers of a joint venture, after payment of individual income 
tax under the tax laws of the People's Republic of China, may be remitted 
abroad in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations. 
Article 13 The contract period of a joint venture may be decided through 
consultation by the parties to the venture according to its particular line of 
business and circumstances. The joint ventures of some trades should decide 
their contract periods; and the joint ventures of other trades may or may not 
decide their contract periods. If the parties to a joint venture with a prescribed 
contract period agree to extend the period, an application for extension of the 
contract should be made six months before its original expiration date. The 
examining and approving organ should make a decision within one month from 
the day of receiving the application. 
Article 14 In case of heavy losses, failure of a party to fulfill the obligations 
prescribed by the contract and the articles of association, force majeure, etc., 
the contract may be terminated through consultation and agreement by the 
parties to the venture, subject to approval of the examining and approving 
organ and to registration with the industry and commerce administrations of the 
state. In cases of any losses caused by a breach of contract, the party violating 
the contract shall assume financial responsibility. 
Article 15 Disputes arising between the parties to a joint venture that the board 
of directors cannot settle through consultation may be settled through mediation 
or arbitration by a Chinese arbitration agency or through arbitration by another 
arbitration agency agreed upon by the parties to the venture. In cases where 
the parties of a joint venture have not made any stipulations on arbitration in 
their contract or have not reached an agreement on arbitration in writing 
afterward may take proceedings to the people's court. 
Article 16 This law shall come into force on the day of promulgation.


01/02 04:29